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Eco-Schools Update

On Wednesday, we had our final Eco-Schools assembly before the February half term, and it was a cause for celebration! All the children attending school were given the opportunity to share their eco learning with other classes via video conferencing.

A few weeks ago, in the previous Eco-Schools assembly, Miss Shepherd set all classes the tasks of fitting in some outdoor learning sessions, drawing pictures for the Creative Earth Competition and working on the Eco-Project before half term.

There were lots of eager children at the ready to share what they have achieved. Year 1 told us how they have been creating habitats for animals using grass, twigs and leaves. Year 2 took their maths learning outside to make tally charts and pictograms of things in nature. Both groups also made bird feeders for the RSPB's Great Garden Birdwatch.

Many of the classes at the Infants and Juniors also showed their Creative Earth Competition entries. They had some wonderful ideas, for how we can make our planet a better place to live for all animals, and their illustrations were fabulous. These drawings were taken home so they can be submitted to the Creative Earth Competition by parents and carers.

Finally, some of the classes shared their Eco-Project work. However, they had done so much that we ran out of time to see everything!

The Eco-Project will continue after half term, until the Easter Holidays, and we hope children at home and in school will take on some more of the challenges. Please send any completed Eco-Project work to Miss Hargood at the following email address: She will be awarding eco gems for all work sent in.

We will also continue to increase our outdoor learning, especially at the Junior School.


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