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Our Safeguarding Statement

Parsons Down Partnership of Schools is committed to safeguarding children and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils are well cared for, safe and protected. We follow national and local Child Protection procedures and aim to work together with other agencies that support children and families. If we have serious cause for concern, we are legally required to notify relevant agencies. The Designated Persons for Parsons Down Partnership of Schools are: 

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Catherine Bull

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:  Ms Laura Street

                                     Mrs Amy Bannister

                                     Mrs Debbie Uphill

Designated teacher for Looked After Children (LAC): Ms Laura Street

School Governor Safeguarding Representative: Miss Rosemary Lilley

If you have a concern to raise with them or a child has made a disclosure to you, please ask in the office for an expression of concern form.


Please also see the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 

Online Safety

10 Tips for Keeping Children Safe Online

Amazon Alexa

Among Us

Cyber Bullying - Advice for Children

Cyber Bullying - Advice for Parents

Digital Parenting Magazine






Parenting in a Digital World

Pokemon Go


Rocket League


Smart Watches


Tik Tok



Railway Safety

Network Rail Primary School Safety Talk - please enter the following email address into the "I am registered" field to view the video:

Learn together. Grow together. Succeed together.
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