Green Flag With Distinction!
Parsons Down Partnership takes part in Eco-Schools - a global environmental programme with 19.5 million involved. It is a pupil led programme, run by an Eco-Committee comprised of children and staff. There are ten Eco-Schools topics for the Eco-Committee to consider:
For 2024-25, we have chosen ..... as our Eco-Schools topics.
To find out more about our eco achievements, please read our blog posts towards the bottom of the page.
Our Eco-Committee 2024-25
Our pupil Eco-Committee members are:
Our Deputy Eco-Committee members are:
Eco Action Suggestions
Eco-Committee Meetings
Eco Assemblies
​​Curriculum Links
Please let us know if you would like to help or contribute in any way to our Eco-Schools work. If you have any suggestions that you would like to share, please contact our Eco-Coordinator directly: