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Eco-Schools Update

On Thursday, Eco-Councillors from Years 4-6 took part in a "Trash Mob" - our second objective for Plastic Free Schools. This was a quick 10 minute litter pick to see what plastic pollution is on our school grounds.

After the Trash Mob, we had a committee meeting with all of our Eco-Councillors. We went through all of the litter that we found, sorting it into piles of plastic and non-plastic.

We found the following:

  • At least 90% of the litter we found was plastic.

  • We found 143 items of plastic pollution in just 10 minutes.

  • Most of the plastic we found was single-use.

  • The types of plastic we found included snack wrappers, plastic packaging/bags and pens.

  • We found packing from many different brands. The ones that we found more of were Cadburys, Kellogg’s and Go Ahead.

Our findings will be shared with the rest of the school in our next eco assembly.

For our third Plastic Free Schools objective, we will be writing to our local MP, Laura Farris, to share our findings and ask for her help and support.

Then we will move in to Objective 4 - where we will challenge brands and industry, asking them for change.


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