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Eco-Schools Update

As part of our Marine topic, Miss Shepherd and the Eco-Committee have been leading assemblies about plastic waste and plastic free schools. Before Christmas Miss Shepherd used the story of Somebody Swallowed Stanley to highlight the issue of plastic pollution in the sea and the effect it can have on marine life. Since then, the Eco-Committee have been busy with work on the Plastic Free Schools initiative and have conducted a 'Trash Mob' and lunchbox survey.

Before the February half term, the Eco-Committee led the children from years 2-6 in a game during assembly, where they had to put litter in order of how long each material would take to decompose. Did you know that it's estimated that plastic might never decompose?

Everyone watched a video about alternatives to single use plastics in lunchboxes and were challenged to think about reusable plastic they could use to put their lunch in, or better still, no plastic at all!


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