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Year 6 Art Trip To The Base

Year 6 travelled to The Base at Greenham on Tuesday to view The Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in the photographs, some of them even sketching some of the images. A few children wrote down the names of the photographers, so that they could research them in their own time.

After the exhibition, the children had a look around the studios of the resident artists and even chatted to one of them. They were very impressed that he was painting a scene from Sonic the Hedgehog. The artist’s 8-year-old daughter, who was also painting, showed them her painting of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night, which Year 6 had studied in the Autumn term.

Once they had looked around the studios, the children then had a workshop with another resident artist, where they produced a photo montage of their own hybrid animal or an alternative habitat for different animals, out of pictures from various magazines, such as the National Geographic.

Year 6 were a credit to Parsons Down School and were animated after the trip, talking about how much they enjoyed it and wanting to show off their masterpieces.

Thank you to The Base at Greenham for giving us the opportunity to visit you.

Below is the link to the exhibition, please be advised some of the images will need to be viewed with a sensitive eye. If you click on the image, the story behind the photograph is given.


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